My Vociferous Inner voice

Most people tell me certain things when I meet them, interact with them. I've been told that I am dumb, that I'm smart, that I'm funny, that my jokes are bad, that I'm kinda cute, that I shouldn't talk to them anymore, that I'm quiet, that I'm calm and composed, that I think a lot, that I'm serious, and that I'm sarcastic. There, I'm all of those things.
I'm not good with people, but I am great with persons. I can talk to you alone on the rooftop for hours. But place me in a party and you'll hardly notice me. I'd be occupying a corner, highly anxious, fearing the moment someone comes up to me and says some incomprehensible nonsense like "hey, what's up?".
I can't do small talk. Sorry, I don't know "what's up". Talk to me about love, about stars, about madness, about magic, about life and about death and what's beyond. Talk to me about what keeps you up at night. Tell me what you truly feel. That's what I love to listen to and talk about.
I like to think of myself as a logical person and I've been told on numerous occasions that I certainly am so. And it's often annoying to others. Deep down, sometimes, I too find this logical person annoying, and that is the moment when I run away from it. I wander away to lands created by pen strokes and contoured by words. I live as my true self in those pages, in that piece of fiction, in those lyrical poems. With a pen and paper, when I'm writing a story, that is the moment I feel free. I am free, in the truest sense of the word.
I write to vent my feelings, to discover myself, to escape reality. I write to be me.

Honestly, I'm not going to say anything that hasn't been said before. I'm not here to spark revolutions and revolts. I don't have anything new to give to this world, all I have is my honesty and my meager
 understanding with which I will present my ideas and my emotions through my words. These words are all I have to offer.


  1. Plz write more. The world need the serenity of your thoughts. Especially Me. ��
    Much Love!

  2. It's super awesome.
    Emotions and thoughts beyond words.
    It fix up mind.
    Uve used the perfect tool.
    Best wishes for ur future.

  3. Omg... How did you put up all what's going on in my mind right now. Is that why we are siblings ? Great piece ! Waiting for more !!!

  4. Really a good one! You have put my thoughts into words!! Waiting for more! 😘

  5. Keep on writing and do a lots of reading...

  6. Beautiful
    You gotta write more.

  7. Dear Rifadha, I think you have awaken to the reality of our life. From moment to moment lot of thoughts come to our mind. What will come to your mind in the next moment you or no one can say. That is how mind works. Sometimes we wonder aimlessly for hours. That is the time sometimes you get these aimless thoughts. So do not worry it is part of our life. I advised about your blog to Rifka. Please ask her.

    Thank you.


  8. Wonderful perspective coming from a very young person. Like the word flow, it expresses writing comes naturally from you. Keep up the good work!


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