Live the moment!

 The word ‘Tomorrow’ destroy the prospects of Success in our Lives!

Tomorrow is the dangerous word in our Vocabulary. Because whilst being a symbol for a Hope it just can be the reason why our dreams remain as little images in our heads. Tomorrow diminishes the significance of the air we are breathing right now. It tells us that some day we can begin our journey, and we can just wait and make ourselves comfortable until then.   
Tomorrow is a Mask that is worn to escape by those who are held down by fear and those who are hesitant to change. It encourages us to be contented where we are in our lives by saying that we have our whole lives to get where we want to be. And for some tomorrow lasts forever. It evolves into regret and into an excuse to never really do what we are meant to do. 
Tomorrow can be worse than failing. Because it often implies that there is never a beginning. That it is just a vision, just an idea for being put off to a better time that never came. There would never be a moment in our lives more precious than the one we are living in with our heart beating in our chest, the air in our lungs, the blood in our veins, they  are giving us an opportunity to make a change, to become who we want to become, to live, to inspire, to achieve. Because who really knows how many tomorrows we will get.

 And the last thing we want is to look back in our lives thousands of days from now and wish we had the courage to do what we wanted to do,  understand how fast tomorrow has come and go and realize all that we ever have is the present moment . Every journey starts with a step. That courageous act of moving forward not knowing  what tomorrow will bring only knowing that we will further be forward than where we are in our lives now and we will be Stronger,wiser,Smarter because we didn’t wait for tomorrow and didn’t wait for anything and that is the difference between ‘I am and I wish I was’. It is the difference between ‘Dreaming and Truly Living’

Lets stop Surviving and start Living!


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