Fear is temporary, Regret lasts forever!

Fear is an integral part of our life. It is a natural reaction to be afraid of something that we believed to be dangerous. In specific situations it keeps us from harm like we don’t put our hand in a flame for the fear of being burnt and that’s a good thing. That’s a biological tempt. It’s part of the reason our species was able to revolve and flourish. But just as it helps us it can be our biggest obstacle. It becomes easy to see everything is that flame that would burn our hand. We fence ourselves and create a comfort zone because a comfort zone is safe. And because of this we miss out some of lives greatest opportunities, most things worth having live outside of our comfort zones on the other side of our fear. Everyone deals with being afraid it’s, who we are. The difference lies how we handle it. 

Let me quote out  what once a great personality said ‘ There are two types of people; People who experience fear and who are trying to grow themselves and expand their comfort zone and people who feel fear just by thinking of expanding their comfort zones, Never  acting  because they are scared of the unknown’. It’s the exact same fear that is felt by both types of people those who act and those who hide. The difference is that the one grows and one who doesn’t. One creates a life of adventure, passion the other a life of regret.fear is the great barrier ‘how many times have we all heard that? But when was the last time that we woke up and did something about it? Put yourself in the front-line, Put yourself out there these are the experiences that shape our character which improves ourselves to a situation ‘Hey maybe it’s not so bad’.

 It’s been said that even if we fall on our face at least we are moving forward. Eventually we will realize that this new challenge has become a part of us, it has become Okay, it has become comfortable just like that we could expand our comfort zones. Now we can move on to the next chapter. Always remember the people whom we admire, the people who’ve done great things laid the path for us. It’s not that they weren’t afraid but it’s that they used their fear as a tool for growth. So my ask for you is that you find a way; you find a way to get to the other side of the fear because that’s where Dreams become Reality. It’s where our world can change if we just allow it to.


  1. "Always remember the people whom we admire, the people who’ve done great things laid the path for us."👈👌 Very few understands this.A wonderful write-up


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